Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Nora Kay Love ~ 22 Weeks

Well, let's all just pretend that I posted a 21 week update last week, mmmkay?!?  I have a fabulous excuse since we were vacationing with Hubby's family in Michigan, and I promise you...they are lots of posts coming soon about our getaway to Up North Michigan.  But for now...the regularly scheduled bump update!
22 weeks and 4 days today!!
How far along: 22 weeks
How big is baby: Spaghetti Squash, 1 lb! 
Gender: My sweet baby girl, Nora Kay!

Weight gain/loss: To be completely honest, this is a little bit of a subject I don't wish to discuss.  ha!  I was a little naive going into this pregnancy that since I was in great shape beforehand that I would avoid a big weight gain this time around...hahaha!  I'm honestly thinking I'll probably end up close to where I was with Elyse, but it seems to be showing up faster this time.  I truly need to make a trip to buy some new maternity pants very soon...Bella Bands aren't going to cut it for much longer!

Sleep: Still going well.  I've been drinking water like crazy so of course I have the middle of the night potty visits...but other than that I'm doing great! 

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Yeah, please refer to weight gain/loss above.  I've really been trying to keep healthy snacks on hand at home and have been keeping lots of fresh fruit and veggies in the fridge.  I'm still struggling a bit with hunger, but staying hydrated and mid-day snacks seem to be helping with that.  If there's anything I crave I would say that it's guacamole...which isn't the worst snack ever (as long as I don't eat 50 tortilla chips with my 100 calorie Wholly Guacamole cup!)

Movement: And...when is there not movement?!?  I feel little kicks all the time and while we were on vacation I had my first Nora Kay booty sighting!  While I was laying in bed with Elyse, my stomach tightened up on one side and became all lop-sided...sure enough, Nora must have had her booty right up in the air because my belly was hard as a rock in a small little area!  Silly girl, I know you're there and it's so nice to be reminded on a regular basis!

What I'm loving:  The nursery planning process!  All the material has been purchased, a new crib has been selected, and I'm going to look at paint colors tomorrow.  Typically the second child gets the shaft, but since Nora's room was a complete blank slate from the time we moved into the new house...I'm excited to get started on it!  We're also going to re-do the main secondary bathroom to make it a lot more girly for our two precious daughters!  Loving all this decorating fun! 

Symptoms: Thankfully the weird ankle swelling has seriously subsided...Praise the Lord!  Even with all the travel last week I didn't have a crazy amount to deal with.  Otherwise, it's just this growing belly and hunger!

What I'm looking forward to: The second trimester energy boost!  Wow, I've been feeling it!  I've made it to Zumba 2x this week and have felt great.  Being able to work out also gives me the motivation to eat healthier which gives me more self-confidence.  I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow and I always look forward to hearing sweet baby girl's heartbeat!   
Best moment of the week: Vacation was fabulous, but I was definitely ready to be home.  Traveling with Elyse was not nearly as difficult as I was afraid it might be...and thankfully no potty-training regression happened while we were away from home!  


Susannah said...

Awww... I love your bump! And I really love that first picture with your precious little one copying your belly stance! :-)

Melanie said...

You look great! Gotta love that guacamole..lol!!

Kate @ Daffodils said...

You look so cute!

Mrs. Pancakes said...

Looks like a fun trip and you are just the cutest!