Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Charlie Love ~ 16 Weeks

I promise this isn't going to be just a pregnancy journal blog,  but things have been crazy!   Hopefully I'll be able to get another post put up soon...because we sure have been having some crazy fun at our house this summer!
 How far along: 16 weeks

How big is baby: An Avocado, 3.5 oz

Weight gain/loss:  I don't have my next appointment until July 9; however, I'm trying to get back in my Zumba routine and adding in more healthy snacks and meals.  I'm definitely noticing that I don't get full as fast as I used to at mealtime! 

Sleep:  Normal; I was able to go to Zumba last night and I am always able to sleep so much better after a good workout. 

Diet/Cravings/Aversions:  Still nothing, although guacamole/avocados seem to be pretty special to me.  I'm keeping our fridge stocked with fruits and other healthy snacks.  I even whipped up a few good Pinterest recipes! 

Movement:  I had my first moment on Saturday when I wondered..."was that gas? or was that the baby?"  I know it won't be long now! 

What I'm loving:  Having a "belly" and feeling like I just put on too many pounds!  ha!   

Symptoms:  I've been watching sodium intake & pouring the water in which is helping the swelling; it hasn't been nearly as bad recently.  My skin is probably the softest and smoothest it's ever been so I'll definitely take that! 

What I'm looking forward to:  Our ultrasound today!!!  One of my friends is an ultrasound tech at a local hospital and said that she had some free time to scan us if we were interested.  With being 16 weeks, she SHOULD be able to tell the gender.  Let's cross our fingers, I've got details of the gender reveal party to take care of!  However, we still won't be finding out...my friend will simply be contacting our vendors to take care of everything.  We still want to be surprised as well!

Best moment of the week:  Today will be the best moment.  I'm always so excited and relieved to see that heartbeat and active baby on the ultrasound screen! 


Sara McCarty said...

How can you possibly stand not knowing!?!! That would kill me! I'm so excited for the big reveal. I still vote girl! Also, I can't get over how much Elyse looks like you in that last photo. You two could be twins.

Kate @ Daffodils said...

eeeeee! did you find out?