Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Noisy Nora: A Prized Possession

Even before Hubby & I were expecting Baby Layman aka Lucy aka G-Baby (grandbaby), the grandmas had started collecting books for their future grandchildren. My mom seems to have made it her mission to start using children's books as a good souvenir from the places she has visited in the last several months and I quickly followed suit. We picked up 3 different books while in Maui to add to our collection!

Today though, we may have added what could be considered the most prized children's book to our collection...or at least the most prized in my mom's eyes.

Noisy Nora was apparently my super duper favoritest childrens' book. I "read" this to my parents on a regular basis, which for a small child really just means that I had the entire book memorized and I recited it back to them as the pages turned!

My mom and I had both searched for this on the Internet at various times and hadn't had much luck finding it at traditional book stores. She finally tracked it down from a used bookstore and had it shipped immediately! This specific copy is already reserved to stay at my parents' house, but if Baby Layman likes it as much as I did...I may have to invest in my own copy!

Reading with my children is one of the things I'm most looking forward to with my children and I can't wait to experience his/her favorite books!

So...any favorite childrens' books that I shouldn't miss adding to our collection!?!?


Lindsey said...

I think that is something I would most look forward to as well! When I nannied I just loved reading books to the kids, there are so many adorable books out there for kids!

Natalie said...

My parents invested in a small library for me and my sister when we were kids. They really wanted to build a love for books in us. And it's so hard to pick a favorite! I guess it would have to be The Little House chapter books. Even when we pretty young mom read a couple chapters a night to us =)

Llama said...

Oh my goodness I LOVE that book! There are so many books I wouldn't even know where to begin...but here a couple...Goodnight Moon, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Stellaluna, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, The Mitten, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Good Night Gorilla, Corduroy, Caps for Sale, The Runaway Bunny, Rainbow Fish, Swimmy, The Little Mouse the Red Ripe Strawberry and The Big Hungry Bear...
ohh and Little Pea~ super cute!!!
There are so many great ones!
Enjoy every little moment!

Tempestuous Grape said...

I know this post is old, but just had to say that it was my favorite book too...I still have my original copy. :) I hope you've enjoyed it!!