Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Midweek Ramblings

Is it seriously only Wednesday? I feel like this week is moving at a snails pace. Of course I guess some of that might have to do with the fact that next week is Hubby & I's 3rd wedding anniversary & that Mexico is only 10 LONG days away.

Just a bunch of randomness this week, which is nice...

~I've quickly realized that reading too many reviews & forums about our resort can quickly lead to less excitement & much more stress about our vacation. One instance of sea lice or bad food or being bumped to another resort or having to get up before dawn for a chair on the beach is one too many for me to read. Seriously, why do I keep reading this crap?!? Thankfully today there was a glorious review & I'm more excited than ever.

~It's almost 80 degrees in our house but I'm avoiding turning on the air conditioner for as long as possible. No need to start racking up the energy bills when it's going to be 70 here again tomorrow. A good dose of fresh air & some ceiling fans go a long way.

~Having the windows open means Bogey likes to sit in his lawnchair, look through the window, & wimper to come out and play. Later bud, we'll go for a walk later.

~My parents are leaving for Jamaica tomorrow...have a good time! That means work could be a little crazy, as if it hasn't already been super crazy enough this week!

~Hubby has been studying, studying, studying for his CPA exam, Auditing. Have I ever mentioned what an incredible man I am married to? I am so proud of his work ethic & focus & drive to beat this thing. Seriously, I don't know if I've ever been more proud to call him mine. His exam is on Tuesday...say a little prayer if you would.

As I was reading my Bible this morning before work I was praying for a little bit of guidance & support. As I looked under perserverance/endurance among others the following verse was brought to my attention...thank you Jesus.

"2 Dear brothers & sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. 3For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing." ~ James 1:2-4


Brittney Galloway said...

That is my all time favorite passage! And Mexico! somehow I missed that post..or I'm just forgetful! I'm excited for you!

Lindsey said...

Such a great verse, I needed that! Thanks for sharing!

Heather said...

Such great verses!! Your parents are going to have a great time in Jamaica!! I wish I could go!