Friday, April 30, 2010

Seasons of Life

It seems no matter where I turn recently, that's the thought that shows up..."it's just a season of life." Whether it's our book for small group study, the Women of Joy conference, or just a discussion with some of my closest friends, the seasons of life are definitely showing themselves. We all go through various seasons when things are excessively wonderful, or maybe we're down in the dumps, or when things just seem unsettled. Sure, we are satisfied when things are going perfectly as planned but it's when times get just a little out of whack that we wonder what God has planned for us.

Right now our small group is split up to a men's/women's book study & the ladies are reading "The New Eve" by Robert Lewis. The most recent chapters have discussed the various seasons of life & how God calls us to certain tasks during these times. Sometimes we try to push back & do things completely out of order & that again just causes chaos. God has a plan for us & while he certainly has the ability to alter our lives to fit the choices we make, He also has a perfect plan for us that will be so fulfilling & wonderful if we'll just follow close to Him.

One of the biggest things I've taken from the study so far is a need for a vision in my life. Have you ever actually sat down & thought about what you want your life to be or look like? Sure, I have some general long term goals & even some specifics but do you know what kind of daughter of the Living God you want to be? Do you even know what that looks like or how to get there? As we've been talking, it's been very obvious that none of us can truly define what it is to be a godly woman. Ok, Proverbs 31...but how do we achieve that in today's world, with today's pressures?

It's through those seasons, those times when I don't know exactly which way to turn or when I don't know just what's up ahead that God is preparing me to be the woman he wants me to be. I've begun to write out how I want my life to be, but it's such a process full of prayer. I want to be the wife, daughter, friend, child of God, & eventually mother that He designed me to be. While I don't know what that looks like just yet I know that it's through the seasons of life, the ups & downs, the unknowns & the chaos that my purpose in this world will ultimately be revealed. If only I can hold on tight & trust in God to help me land right where he wants me to be.

Wow, this was full of random thoughts that as I'm reading through make basically no sense, but it's here for me so in those times of turmoil & uncertainty I can come back & know that it's just a season of life.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

This is such a great post. And something I really need to do.

My boss told me about and I think I'm going to check it out. It's career based, but with a Christian focus.

Hope you have a great weekend!