Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Friday!!

I am so thankful Friday is here, work is getting seemingly more stressful the longer my dad is gone so I'm so glad he'll be back on Monday. I'm just so ready for a break! I do have to work tomorrow, but it's only for a few hours and I don't expect we'll be all that busy.

Last night Hubby played racquetball after work with some of his co-workers so I got some yummy McAlister's chicken tortilla soup for dinner. It was so good & with the rainy, story weather it was just perfect. I was in the middle of catching up on my DVR when suddenly the power was gone, no pop, no lightning, not even really strong winds...but the power was gone. Although it flipped on once or twice in the beginning it stayed off completely for about an hour. Lovely. I didn't really mind being at home but I pretty much had nothing to do and I'm not strong enough to open our garage door manually to even get my car out to go somewhere! So...I lit all the candles I could find, grabbed my Bible & just did a little bit of reading. This would have been such a nice time, but I could barely see & it was seriously way too quiet in my house to focus. I managed to pick up the house by candlelight and then by the time Hubby got home, the power had come back on...YIPPEEE!!!

We spent the rest of the evening relaxing & then the rain finally stopped long enough to take Bogey & Josie on a nice walk. They are seriously hilarious on walks & sometimes it's a little complicated to keep their leads from getting all tangled!

Hope everyone has a safe & happy Halloween! Josie has her own costume so I'll be sure to take plenty of pictures.


Brittney Galloway said...

That is so odd about the power going out! I'm glad you had a great night though!

Callie said...

Don't you hate it when you're in the middle of a show and the power goes out? And too dark to read too? That's terrible!